BCI Committees

Strong and United Voices Advocate for the Industry

BCI is here to be a strong voice for the industry. To ensure the stability of the industry, we need the contributions of our members. Please consider whether your company would like to be active on any of our committees. We are always open to fresh ideas for improving BCI’s value to our members.


Battery Communications Committee

The Battery Communications Committee aims to increase awareness of the critical importance of energy storage solutions to power our daily lives and the global economy. It serves as the communications management team for BCI and the broader battery industry. The committee is comprised of senior communications executives from BCI member companies and is focused on reinforcing industry objectives to policymakers and stakeholders. The commitee meets biweekly via teleconference and at the annual convention and in October during Committee Week.

Staff Liaison: Jeff Reeves


Convention Planning Committee

The committee provides support to the Headquarters staff as part of the site selection process for convention locations, assists in identifying speakers for the convention program and helps coordinate selected onsite logistics (i.e. golf tournament, Quarter Century Club Breakfast, etc.). Meets as needed. Click here for more information on the BCI Convention.

Data Book Committee

The Data Book Committee supervises the compilation of the BCI’s vehicle battery replacement database including the yearly Data Book. Working in conjunction with an external research organization, the committee recommends the creation of applicable new group sizes and supplemental information for BCI’s application data. Meets three times per year – in January prior to the publication of the printed book, at the annual convention and in October during Committee Week.

Staff Liaison: Andrew Hamill

Deep Cycle & EV Committee

The Deep Cycle and Electric Vehicle Battery Committee is responsible for a broad scope of activities related to EV technology including among others, testing, safety, and statistics. It acts as a focal point for the application energy storage technologies in the emerging electric vehicle market. Meets two times per year – at the Annual Convention and in October during Committee Week.

Staff Liaison: Susan Bernard

Energy Storage Systems Initiative

The BCI Energy Storage Systems Initiative (ESSI) advocates for and supports the growing market for grid-connected energy storage systems by engaging federal and state regulators and utility companies to promote investment in battery research, development and deployment. The initiative follows the guiding policy statements:

  • In considering energy storage options, federal and state policymakers should evaluate all of the following: cost, reliability, safety, performance, full life-cycle impacts, recycle rates, and scalability.
  • Federally funded research into battery storage technologies should prioritize domestic battery industries, particularly those that have an established and comprehensive circular infrastructure in place.
  • Utilities should be encouraged to consider battery storage options in their integrated resource planning.
  • BCI supports market-driven policies that provide a framework for storage resources to participate in organized wholesale electricity markets and compete on a level playing field.

The ESSI hosts monthly virtual meetings.

Staff Liaison: Roger Miksad

Environmental Health and Safety Committee

The Environmental Health and Safety Committee maintains an awareness of, and reports to the Board of Directors, developments related to:

  • Acceptable methods of waste disposal from battery factories and related operations such as lead smelter operations; and control of the establishment of allowable limits of pollutants in both air and water;
  • Occupation lead exposure and like materials including the means of controlling lead in working areas;
  • Materials pertaining to the safety of batteries and related products which affect the industry, including packaging and labeling as required by Federal regulations or deemed helpful by the committee.
  • Product safety education programs, working in conjunction with the technical and other BCI committees, to disseminate product safety information.

The EHS Steering Committee hosts monthly virtual calls and meets in person at the Annual Convention.

Staff Liaison: Roger Miksad and Susan Bernard


Flow Battery Working Group

The BCI Flow Battery Industry Group is responsible for a broad scope of activities related to flow battery technology including among others, testing, safety, and statistics.  It acts as a focal point for the application of flow batteries. The Flow Battery Industry Group:

  • Maintains an awareness of, and reports to the Board of Directors, developments related to demands and opportunities for North American flow battery manufacturing.
  • Develops and executes actions to promote the growth of the supply chain and market demand and to educate stakeholders.
  • Develops and executes actions to promote safety protocols and best practices for flow batteries and related products which affect the industry.
  • Updates and establishes standard test specifications, application and component definitions, and consensus operating terminology for flow battery systems and related equipment.

Staff Liaison: Susan Bernard

Industrial Battery Charger Committee

The Industrial Battery and Charger Technical Committee considers all matters of a technical nature affecting the industrial battery industry;  and updates and establishes standard test specifications and procedures for industrial battery chargers, motive power and valve regulated standby batteries. The committee works in conjunction with the Industrial Battery Committee and  other committees in developing and distributing, through publications and other channels, information on the design, manufacturing, marketing, distribution usage and disposal/recycling of industrial batteries. Meets two times per year – at the Annual Convention and in October during Committee Week.

Staff Liaison: Susan Bernard

Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee analyzes industry trends and practices; they identify gaps in communication within the lead battery industry as well as between the lead battery industry and external parties such as consumers and regulators. They also work to establish and disseminate lead battery labeling standards to their companies. The committee is responsible for the production of BCI’s monthly newsletter, The Energy Beacon and has a subcommittee dedicated to educating lead battery retailers and scrapyards about the dangers that occur when lithium-ion batteries enter the lead battery-recycling stream. Meets two times per year – at the Annual Convention and in October during Committee Week.

Staff Liaison: Jeff Reeves

Product Information Committee

The Product Information Committee (PICOM) oversees BCI’s shipping statistics program (both transportation and industrial) as well as the BCI recycling rate report, and other ad hoc statistical publications. The committee provides all factions of the industry the opportunity to comment on product releases. Meets two times per year at the Annual Convention and in October during Committee Week.

Staff Liaison: Andrew Hamill

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee considers all matters of a technical nature affecting the industry; continues to establish and update standard test specifications and procedures for all classes of batteries manufactured for which our membership has a need; and works in conjunction with the Product Information and other committees to develop and distribute, through publications and other channels, information on the design, manufacturing, marketing, distribution usage and disposal/recycling of lead-acid batteries. Meetings four times per year – Late-January/early-February, at the Annual Convention, late-July/early-August, and in October during Committee Week.

Staff Liaison: Susan Bernard


For more information about joining a BCI Committee, contact info@batterycouncil.org

Carole Mars The Sustainability Consortium Director

The high recycling rate of U.S. lead batteries means a large percent of U.S. lead battery manufacturing supply chain inputs (73% of its lead) are sourced from domestic recyclers.

Dr. Carole Mars, Director of Technical Development and Innovation, The Sustainability Consortium